Whenever a traffic accident occurs due to the fault of others the injured parties have the right to seek compensation for patrimonial and non-patrimonial damages. There are different procedures to seek compensation for damages suffered and depending on (i) the circumstances in which the traffic accident has matured and, also, on (ii) the extent of the injuries reported. In any case, people damaged by the traffic accident should contact the insurance company and the owner and driver of the damaging vehicle within two years from the date of the accident according to applicable statutes of limitation pursuant to Art. No. 2947 of the ITC (Italian Traffic Code).
For road accidents in which they are involved only two vehicles of Italian nationality and have not been reported injury to a higher biological damage of 9%, starting from February 1, 2007, you can start a procedure for direct compensation, under which the injured party shall transmit its request for compensation directly to his(her/its insurer.
For claims in Italy involving vehicles of foreign nationality or occurring abroad and involving vehicles of Italian nationality, the claim for damages should be addressed to the ICO (Italian Central Office), which, in essence, represents in Italy the foreign insurance companies.
Chiaramonte law firm offers assistance to those involved in road traffic accidents.